Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chronicles: News of the Past

1726 BCE to Modern Days
Edited by Dr. Israel Eldad and Moshe Aumann

Jewish history uniquely retold - in the form of a modern daily newspaper. Complete in one volume.
  • Part One - In The Days of the Bible - From Abraham to Ezra, 1726-444 BCE. The story of the Bible, set against the background of the ancient world.
  • Part Two - Second Temple, Rise of Christianity - From the Maccabees to Spanish Jewry's Golden Age, 165 BCE to 1038 CE. The unparallelled survival of Israel deprived of normal existence in its land and the interplay of its turbulent history with that of Christianity and Islam.
  • Part Three - The Dawn of Redemption - From 1039 CE to modern days - A tortured, persecuted people draws inspiration, and the strength to survive, from an age-old dream that finally begins to take shape. Saladin, Marco Polo, Luther, Henry VIII, Chaucer, Napoleon, Jefferson, and a host of other history makers also "come alive" in this unique journalistic presentation.
Contains all three volumes, covering the biblical and post-biblical eras, and up to the modern era.

3 Volume, Hardcover, in slip case
ISBN: 965-7108-15-2
A publication of the Reubeni Foundation, Jerusalem.
Originally published in 1954.
First edition: 1954
Second edition: 1967
Third edition: 1968

Seach for best price: Chronicles: News of the Past (3 volume set)

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